ABSTRACT: This study examined the Impact of Early Childhood Education on Healthcare Access. The objectives of this study were to: (1) examine the impact of early childhood education (ECE) programs on promoting healthcare access and health literacy among young children and families, (2) investigate the effectiveness of health education activities in promoting preventive healthcare behaviors and wellness practices, and (3) determine the long-term effects of healthcare education on child development and community health outcomes. A survey research design was justified to collect comprehensive data from educators, parents, and healthcare professionals about their experiences with healthcare education in ECE settings. A sample size of 170 participants, including preschool teachers, parents, and healthcare providers, was selected using purposive sampling to ensure representation from urban and rural communities in Rivers State, Nigeria. The case study was conducted in early childhood education centers known for their emphasis on health promotion and wellness education. Findings indicated that ECE programs significantly increased children's and families' access to healthcare services, promoting preventive health behaviors and improving overall community health outcomes. It is recommended that early childhood education centers continue to integrate health education into their curricula, collaborate with healthcare providers for educational initiatives, and engage families in promoting healthy lifestyles to enhance child well-being and community health.
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